Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mme. Defarge, je présume

This Parisienne d'un certain age was
enjoying a beautiful early-spring day
in the Jardins du Luxembourg.  She had
a great face and a chic outfit—but
all I could think of was the tricoteuse
in Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.


  1. This is an excellent shot! She really seems caught up in her work.

  2. Indeed, I do adore the elegance of her slightly off-centre, but perhaps quite long, legs. Knitting is not something I aspire to, being happier simply sitting and watching ... or stalking and shooting.

  3. I would sit right beside her and whipped out my knitting too -- well, if I'd brought it! Can you think of a better venue to just knit and enjoy?

  4. Oh i'm sitting here in awe. I fight feeling like I"ve missed a photograph. I know it's not sane but I do.
    I wish I'd been there with you to capture this beautiful image.
